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The router must implement physically or logically separate subnetworks to isolate organization-defined critical system components and functions.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-264310 SRG-NET-000715-RTR-000120 SV-264310r984171_rule Medium
Separating critical system components and functions from other noncritical system components and functions through separate subnetworks may be necessary to reduce susceptibility to a catastrophic or debilitating breach or compromise that results in system failure. For example, physically separating the command and control function from the in-flight entertainment function through separate subnetworks in a commercial aircraft provides an increased level of assurance in the trustworthiness of critical system functions.
Router Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-68223r984169_chk )
Verify the router is configured to implement physically or logically separate subnetworks to isolate organization-defined critical system components and functions.

If the router is not configured to implement physically or logically separate subnetworks to isolate organization-defined critical system components and functions, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-68131r984170_fix)
Configure the router to implement physically or logically separate subnetworks to isolate organization-defined critical system components and functions.